Ashley Campanella

  • Total activity 44
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Recent activity by Ashley Campanella Recent activity Votes
  • Additional Features

    Muting yourself: all the way at the top of the Agent screen, you will see a microphone icon. When you click that and it turns red that means you are muted, when it’s blue you are not muted. Dial P...

  • Warm Transfer

    If you need to transfer to another Agent or to an outside phone number, you can warm transfer by clicking the green/blue icon to the right at the top left of the screen. You can choose an Agent th...

  • Blind Transfer

    If you need to transfer a call outside of Click or to another agent in Click, you will select the darker blue icon on the left at the top left of the screen.  You can either choose an Agent to sen...

  • Dispositioning - "Apply and Finish"

    After every call a disposition is required. If you are using the ‘apply and finish’ option, this will apply the disposition, end the call and close the tab. If you choose this option, you cannot g...

  • Dispositioning - "Apply"

    After a call, a disposition is required. If you are choosing ‘Apply’ on any disposition, this leaves the tab open with all the information still showing. You will use this option if you need to ma...

  • Leaving a Voicemail (If Applicable)

    If you get a Voicemail that answers and you are using our Voicemail feature, once you are ‘in call’ you will see your recorded message all the way to the right of the screen. The different options...

  • Making Calls

    At the very top of Agent, you will want to turn your Recieve Calls to On. You will then go down your list of accounts on the left hand side and click on 1 phone number per account.

  • Settings

    Before making calls, you want to make sure your audio device is setup properly; Settings > Audio Configuration > you will map out your USB headset in both spots as well as making sure your volume ...

  • Leaving a Voicemail (If Applicable)

    If you get a voicemail that answers and you are using our Voicemail feature, once you are “in call” (yellow phone icon) you will click the middle voicemail icon and your recorded message / message...

  • Starting a Campaign

    Once you have uploaded your file / files you will select ‘Live Monitoring’ at the top left of Manager > ‘Campaigns.’ This is where you can Start / Stop your campaign. Once it is started is when th...