To create a Dialer linkback or broadcast campaign, start by navigating to the campaign tab on the sidebar and selecting "DialerCampaign" Either double-click on an existing campaign to edit it, or select "Add campaign" in the upper right corner to create a new one.
When creating a new campaign you will be asked to choose between a Linkback and a Broadcast campaign. If you select Linkback the consumer will have the option to press any button to get routed to an agent. If you select Broadcast the consumer will only hear a message but not be redirected to an agent.
Once you have selected an option you will be taken to the configuration page. Required fields will be notated with red text, all other fields are optional. Start by giving your campaign a name (this will only be used internally)
Campaign speed
Next, you will want to set the speed of your campaign, We recommend setting the number of agents you have in your office. Your call ratio will represent how many calls are being distributed per agent at any given time.
Note: To get a rough estimate of how many calls you will be making per minute, you can multiply the call ratio by agents in this example your speed would be 10 calls per minute. If you want to increase or decrease the speed of the dialer, you should change the call ratio value, this can be adjusted at any point.
Configuring Caller ID / Linkback Numbers
Next, you will need to configure your outbound caller ID and if you are using a Linkback campaign set the number that will ring if a consumer chooses to speak with an agent.
The Default Caller ID Name is an optional field and can be either a number or a company name. Do note that it is dependent on the carrier and consumer device if this name will be displayed as requested.
The Default Caller ID number is a required field and needs to be a valid 10-digit phone number you own do note this number will be displayed to most consumers and can be different from the linkback number. Be sure to select "Single Caller ID" on the caller ID drop-down if you want to use one DID conversely if you want to add a DCI bucket follow this guide.
Linbakc Phone Number is a required field on linkback campaigns only. This is the destination that consumers will link back to (most users use their main ring group number for this.) This number can be different from the default caller ID
Assigning a Message to your campaign
On your campaign, there are three types of messages that can be assigned, note that all these messages can be the same or conversely you can customize each message. Previously created messages can be assigned by selecting them in the drop-down of the proper message.
Call Answered by Consumer: This message will be played when a live party is detected by the system
Call answered by Voicemail or Machine: This message will be played when an answering machine is detected
Call is linked back: The message played to the client's Agent when a consumer links back to their office. You can set this message to anything you want. Most of the time, clients choose to play the consumer's account number back to the agent before the call connects.
**Note if you leave any of these message types blank no message will be played in that scenario
When you are happy with all of your configurations press save at the bottom of your screen and your new campaign will appear in the campaign list table.
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