Under Administration, there is a few things you will want to do.
Agent Layout: Full Screen, Mini Screen, Free. We will go over this in the onboarding and will matter if you are integrated or not.
Voicemail Messages: If you want to use the pre-recorded messages in Click you would enable that here. ‘After the beep’ means you will be leaving a generic message, so as soon as you know you have a live voicemail you can click your recording right away and our system will wait for the beep and leave it for you. ‘Immediately’ means you will be identifying the consumer. So when you get a live voicemail, you have to wait to hear the beep and manually say every time “This message is for (first name) (last name)” then click your recording.
Dispositions: These will only need to be customized if you are using the Full Screen Agent. You can add as many as you need. There are options to choose from as well (Available, Block Calls Today, Close Account & Allow Redial).
Overflowing Calls: This is used as a fail safe if all agents are busy on calls on Click.
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