At this time Arbeit Voice does not have any native capability to do international calling and it requires an integration with a service provider capable of completing these calls.
- Create a Flowroute account.
- Once your account is created and a balance is added, navigate to Interconnection > IP Authentication.
- You are going to add a record under "Add outbound Allowed IP's" for your Arbeit Voice server
- Alias: Arbitrary value, we recommend setting it as "Arbeit Voice" for future reference
- IP Address: The IP address that was provided to you by the onboarding team. It should look something like the image below. (Portal IP)
- Once that information is inserted click "Add IP Address".
- Determining your outbound calling limit.(You will go over this process with your onboarding rep, this is added as a refresher if you don't complete these steps)
- Navigate to Billing > Outbound Rates and click "Download current Rates"(This download will take a minute)
- Once the rate deck is downloaded and opened you will want to search the deck and find the countries you wish to call.
- In this test example we would like to be able to call France, specifically with the country code of +33.
- We can see that this particular rate is 0.1596, keep this value it will be required for the next step.
- Navigate to Billing > Outbound Rates and click "Download current Rates"(This download will take a minute)
- Setting your Outbound calling limit
- Navigate to Preferences > Fraud Control > Maximum Outbound Rate
- In order to make outbound calls this setting needs to be enabled with a value set. You can set this to just above the rate from the previous step (.016) and any calls to that rate should complete. This also allows for minor rate changes to not affect your ability to call.
- Important: You can see in our image above we have the rate set to $0.50 which means that if we try to call a destination with a rate above that the call will fail.
- Navigate to Preferences > Fraud Control > Maximum Outbound Rate
- Provide our support team with your "Tech Prefix" (Should be an 8 digit number) displayed on the dashboard. Once we finalize the settings in your Arbeit Voice account you will be able to complete international calls.
- How to dial out from Arbeit Voice to an international number.
- The default feature code to dial internationally on Arbeit Voice is *11.
- You will need to include the feature code and the country code. If we continue using France it would be +33
- Example: If I was trying to call "+33 1 34 25 67 70" it would look like this "*1133134256770"
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